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The Romance of Sir Florimund

Music, Poetry, Visual Art, Video

The Romance of Sir Florimund' is a multimedia art project that was made between the fall of 2021 to the fall of 2022. It consists of 24 songs with a runtime of roughly 70 minutes and is accompanied by three music videos for the songs Sword and Steel, Cligès and Lion, Dragon. CDs and an art book were made for the project.

The project was inspired by medieval tales of chivalry such as the Arthurian romances by Chrétien de Troyes and Parzival by Wolfram von Eschenbach, The post-vulgate Cycle, Tristan & Isolde and many more. The visuals were based on medieval tapestries, Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry (The Book of hours of Duke de Berry), Pre-raphaelite and medievalist paintings from the 19th century, manuscripts, gothic architecture and the medieval european heritage in general.

The cover artwork in particular was inspired by the 'Lady and the unicorn' tapestry. The art book contains more than 50+ unique artworks that have not been shared elsewhere.

The Romance of Sir Florimund was released on November 25 2022.

(Go to the official page for the album by clicking the link above to watch the videos, photos and more.)

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